Settling into the New Year
Well hello, 2022. We are a month in and I feel like I am starting to settle in and know you a little better. I’m also examining my aggressive list of new year resolutions and goals and how well I’ve executed on them thus far. I’m thinking about how I want to adjust for February, knowing I need to be a little gracious with myself for completely ignoring few of them.
Did you set goals or make any resolutions for 2022? Is there something you’d like to do more of? Less of? Maybe you don’t know what you want to change, you just feel something’s not quite right.
Whether you have a list of goals or seeking an unknown change, take time to explore what you want. What will be different for you when you move toward what you envision? How will it make a difference in your day-to-day? How do you see yourself at the end of 2022? Contemplating what is no longer serving your needs and reflecting on what brings you joy and fills you with love is a process that will make you feel empowered.
Taking time to think about what you want opens so many pathways in which you can travel. And, accepting where you are today will help you to move toward where you want to go. You may need to release something to make room for the changes you want to bring in. Trust the changes you want will happen when you are ready for them.
As we continue to move through 2022, as we create new ways of being, new ways of seeing, we are empowered to create our change and get to know ourselves better, one day at a time.
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