Hello, 2022!
A new year – How are you feeling about it? It’s hard to say right, good and uncertain?
At Lilac 11, we are talking a lot about how to let go of the feelings of uncertainty that cause anxiety and distraction. Letting go is hard. When we say let go, we mean let go of what you cannot control.
What about the part you can control? This is why the practice of Lilac 11 is so important. Taking moments to breath and calm your mind allow you to think about what you can control. When you take these moments and turn inward, you are expanding your consciousness; this expansion helps to make the human experience a little easier.
We are able to recognize our behaviors–expand on the ones that are serving us and apologize and do a redo on the ones that make us cringe, this is how we practice and feel more in control of how we show up, and this is how we learn to let go.
May 2022 be a year of expanding our consciousness to know more about what we want from our amazing life and to feel good about how we show up in the world!
Happy new year!
Got an idea or want to contribute?
We’d love to hear from you.
Please reach out to us at info@lilac11.com with feedback, topic ideas, or a pitch to contribute.